Ez a bővítmény nem lett tesztelve a WordPress legutóbbi 3 fő kiadásával. Lehetséges, hogy már nincs karbantartva, frissítve és a használata gondot jelenthet a frissebb WordPress verziókkal.

Template Manager by WordPress Monsters


You can create templates (layout) for your pages to add some blocks of content before/after general content.

Also you can assign your template to custom post type(archive or single), taxonomies, 404 and search results pages, this options can be found in Templates->Settings menu in admin console.

You should use


shortcode in this templates to separate content.

Watch how to use Template Manager plugin in this cute short video:


  • Settings menu.
  • Sample template.
  • Template selection on Edit page screen.
  • Result of applying template to page.


  1. Upload the wpm-template-manager folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Use the Templates->Add New to create your custom template.
  4. Go to your Pages->All Pages and Edit the page you want to customize. Select template in WPM Template Manager meta box and Update the page.
  5. In Templates->Settings menu you also can assign your templates to custom post type (archive or single), taxonomies, 404 and search results pages.


Installation Instructions
  1. Upload the wpm-template-manager folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Use the Templates->Add New to create your custom template.
  4. Go to your Pages->All Pages and Edit the page you want to customize. Select template in WPM Template Manager meta box and Update the page.
  5. In Templates->Settings menu you also can assign your templates to custom post type (archive or single), taxonomies, 404 and search results pages.


Very long time I have been neded such a WordPress plugin! It is a very cool tool to customize wordpress templates, especially within Visual Composer or another shortcodes page builder! I like it very much.
2 (az összes) vélemény olvasása

Közreműködők és fejlesztők

“Template Manager by WordPress Monsters” egy nyílt forráskódú szoftver. A bővítményhez a következő személyek járultak hozzá:


Változási napló


  • Added default template content for easy template creation
  • Added labels and notices for template post type


  • First release