Bővítmény címke: demo importer
Blaze Demo Importer
(0 értékelés összesen)Blaze Demo Importer can be used in all the official themes developed by BlazeThemes. Plugin can be used to import any of the available starter sites s …
Sparkle Demo Importer
(0 értékelés összesen)Sparkle Demo Importer imports sparkle themes full demo with just one click. It is specially developed for demo import purpose.
HashThemes Demo Importer
(0 értékelés összesen)Transforming website setups from headache to 'click, click, done!
Cozy Essential Addons
(0 értékelés összesen)Cozy Essential Addons is the free WordPress plugin for Custom post type and provides basic skeletal for custom post type list.
aThemeArt Theme Helper
(0 értékelés összesen)Import aThemeArt official themes demo content, widgets and theme settings with just one click.
Operation Demo Importer – Demo Importer For WPoperation Themes
(0 értékelés összesen)This is the demo importer plugin for WPOperation themes.
Easy Demo Importer – A Modern One-Click Demo Import Solution
(2 értékelés összesen)A one-click, user-friendly WordPress plugin for effortlessly importing theme demos and customizing your website in no time.
WordPress Everse Starter Sites – Elementor Templates
(0 értékelés összesen)Ready to use professional website demos designed by UX experts for many business niches. This plugin is created only for the Everse theme.
One Click Demo Importer By Phoeniixx
(0 értékelés összesen)This is the simple plugin by which you can import the theme demo content , and widgets with just one click. It supports the themes created by the phoe …
Simple Theme Demo Importer Plugin
(4 értékelés összesen)Simple Theme Demo Importer plugin will help to import the theme demo content based on the Demos are available. Easily customizable for the Theme Devel …
Flash Demo Import
(0 értékelés összesen)Import themes demo content, widgets and theme settings with just one click which themes support this plugin. Themes it currently supports only for 99c …
Realty Pack Core
(1 értékelés összesen)Realty Pack is a dynamic and fully customizable WordPress theme, made specifically for Real Estate professionals.