Bővítmény címke: call
WP Call Me
(4 értékelés összesen)Take calls from your website with an easy to install click to call button.
Call Leads WordPress Plugin
(0 értékelés összesen)The easiest way to get more call leads, turn leads to customers.
Mobile Call Now
(1 értékelés összesen)Mobile Call Now plugin places a Call Now button to the bottom of the screen which is only visible for your mobile visitors.
Call Button
(0 értékelés összesen)A modern, easy to use call button that shoots to increase conversions and drive sales!
Easy Call With Twilio
(1 értékelés összesen)Twilio makes it easy to implement and integrate click-to-call directly into your web application.
(1 értékelés összesen)VoIP Connect Plugin for Wordpress powered by TelecomsXChange allows you to create a Click2Call button or a Verify button that will connect your websit …
Lucep Call Now Button
(0 értékelés összesen)An award winning "call now" (or click to call) widget that works on all of your pages! Proven to increase sales by over 72% and it's fr …
(1 értékelés összesen)The digital call button to convert more customers with voice in your WooCommerce shop.
WordPress Click2Client
(0 értékelés összesen)Wordpress Click2Client adds in-browser phone call functionality to any wordpress site. Just configure the control and drop the tag in your theme.
Twilio Simple Click Call
(4 értékelés összesen)Twilio makes it easy to call directly from your web application.
FullCall VideoChat
(2 értékelés összesen)This is a one-click installation plugin for FullCall. It is audio and video chat for your website. Easy to use compatible with all modern browsers.
TeleFinity WebRTC to SIP Gateway
(0 értékelés összesen)Turns your website into a phone and let your abroad customers connect to your PBX /Call Center directly at zero-cost and without a telecom operator.
Call From Web – Simple Click to Call Button for WordPress
(2 értékelés összesen)😁 Get visitors to call you directly on the phone from WordPress for FREE. 💪 Generate more leads and increase conversion. 🚀
VICIdial Call Me
(0 értékelés összesen)Displays a contact form which will post user submitted information into a VICIdial system utilizing the non-agent API and call them.
DL UpToCall
(0 értékelés összesen)Виджет UpToCall поймает клиентов, организуя звонок за 24 секунды!
(0 értékelés összesen)Description Please get a backup befor install Signup in https://my.zarincall.ir Goto webservice menu in my.zarincall and get new apikey Enter apikey …
Voip Call Charges Lite
(3 értékelés összesen)The plugin allows a user to install a VoIP Call Charges calculator by widget or short-code.
WP Gener8Tor – Chat with your site visitors on all platforms and messengers
(4 értékelés összesen)Powerful chat widget allows you to chat with your visitors on every IM platform including Whatsapp, Skype, Line, Facebook Messenger, SMS and more.