Ez a bővítmény nem lett tesztelve a WordPress legutóbbi 3 fő kiadásával. Lehetséges, hogy már nincs karbantartva, frissítve és a használata gondot jelenthet a frissebb WordPress verziókkal.

Recent Comments Widget with Excerpts


This plugin creates a widget similar to the default recent comments widget. Instead of the format „username on post title,” the widget will display „username said comment excerpt.”

Choose whether or not to include admin user comments.

Customize the character length of the comment excerpt.


  • Sample output


  1. Download recent-comments-widget-with-excerpts.zip
  2. Decompress the file contents
  3. Upload the recent-comments-widget-with-excerpts folder to a WordPress plugins directory (/wp-content/plugins)
  4. Activate the plugin from the Administration Dashboard
  5. Open the Widgets page under the Appearance section
  6. Drag the widget to an active sidebar


Need help? Have a suggestion?

Visit this plugin’s home page


Nincsenek értékelések erről a bővítményről.

Közreműködők és fejlesztők

“Recent Comments Widget with Excerpts” egy nyílt forráskódú szoftver. A bővítményhez a következő személyek járultak hozzá:


Változási napló


  • [Added] Adds translation support.
  • [Fixed] Fixes a bug that would break any site when the plugin was activated.
  • [Changed] Changes tested up to version number to 6.3.0.
  • [Removed] Removes the „hide comments by admin” feature because it never worked.
  • [Removed] Removes inline CSS.


  • Fixed a bug that broke the options


  • Allow up to 150 comments instead of 15
  • Now using mb_substr instead of substr (for international characters)
  • Apply comment filters and strip tags to comment output


  • Choose whether or not to include comments by the admin user


  • Added an option to control the maximum length of comment excerpts
  • Stop showing ellipsis if the comment length is not long enough to be trimmed by the widget


  • First build