Ez a bővítmény nem lett tesztelve a WordPress legutóbbi 3 fő kiadásával. Lehetséges, hogy már nincs karbantartva, frissítve és a használata gondot jelenthet a frissebb WordPress verziókkal.

MIR blocks and shortcodes


You need just a toolbox which is simple to use and gives you a couple of options to beautify your content?
Then just use MIR blocks and shortcodes!

We hand you two pre constructed presentation boxes which you can use eather as a block or as a classic shortcode.

Furthermore you can use a rotating icon circle which uses the full free Font Awesome 5 icon library.

What you need more? Right! You need a block/shortcode where you can show your visitors a progress bar!

You know what? Everyone loves Stats, right? Yes! So we hand you stats as well.

And overall… in the future you will get much more blocks/shortcodes!


  • Super simple to use, no setup required.
  • You can use it as a block or as a shortcode
  • Many more in the future…


Presentation box 1


Presentation box 2




Rotating icon circle


Progress bar



This plugin provides 7 blocks.

  • Presentation box 2
  • Accordion Tab
  • Presentation box 1
  • Progress bar
  • Accordion
  • Rotating icon circle
  • Stats


  1. Install MIR blocks and shortcodes either via the WordPress.org plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server.
  2. Activate the plugin.
  3. Your are done!


How to use Presentation box 1 shortcode?

[msc_presentation_box_1 css=”optional” center=”true/false” title=”your title” imageurl=”src to your image (such as mediathek) or nothing to force box display without an image”]Your content goes here![/msc_presentation_box_1]

If you want Animation you have to set „animation“ true and set direction to left/right or top
[msc_presentation_box_1 animation=”true/false” direction=”left/right/top”]Your content goes here![/msc_presentation_box_1]

To use custom colorization use the following options
[msc_presentation_box_1 background_color=”hex code” border_color=”hex code” title_background_color=”hex code” content_color=”hex code”]Your content goes here![/msc_presentation_box_1]

How to use Presentation box 2 shortcode?

[msc_presentation_box_2 css=”optional” center=”true/false” imageurl=”src to your image (such as mediathek) or nothing to force box display without an image” ribbon=”true/false” ribbontext=”your text” name=”name/title” description=”description/subtitle”]Your custom content goes here![/msc_presentation_box_2]

This are the attr for socialmedia icons
[msc_presentation_box_2 facebook=”link” twitter=”link” youtube=”link” linkedin=”link” xing=”link” google=”link” tumblr=”link” pinterest=”link” instagram=”link” vine=”link” digg=”link” dribbble=”link”]Your custom content goes here![/msc_presentation_box_2]

If you want Animation you have to set „animation“ true and set direction to left/right or top
[msc_presentation_box_2 animation=”true/false” direction=”left/right/top”]Your custom content goes here![/msc_presentation_box_2]

To use custom colorization use the following options
[msc_presentation_box_2 background_color=”hex code” border_color=”hex code” name_color=”hex code” content_and_description_color=”hex code”]Your custom content goes here![/msc_presentation_box_2]

How to use stats shortcode?

[mp-stats title=”optional” from=”value (default: 0)” to=”value (default: 100)” speed=”value (default: 5000 milliseconds)” decimals=”value (default: 0)” ready_animation=”true/false” ready_animation_text=”optional (default: Ready!)”][/mp-stats]

How to use rotating icon circle shortcode?

[mp-rotatingIconCircle icon=”like arrows-alt” icon_style=”fas/far/fab” icon_size=”fa-xs/fa-sm/fa-lg/fa-2x/fa-3x/fa-5x/fa-7x/fa-10x” center=”true/false” icon_color=”hex code” circle_color=”hex code” size=”just a number (example: 96)”]

Icon examples are here: https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&m=free

How to use progress bar shortcode?

[mp-progress-bar type=”default/success/info/warning/danger” value=”0-100″ animated=”true/false” striped=”true/false” title=”optional”]


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